Wentors’ We-Discover Mentorship Program

5 min readJan 27, 2022


Women are the future of innovation in any industry.

It’s not a statement to debate, it’s just what it is.

Women have been present from the very beginning, though history did a number on us by not recognizing and bringing to the limelight all the effort and work women put into all of the marvels we see in the world today.

We are very much invested in joining hands with women all over the world and lending our voice to ensure we are equally represented in an industry we have always been a part of.

This is a core part of why the We-Discover Mentorship Program was created by Wentors. To help women discover themselves in the technology industry, providing knowledge that would aid clarity as they make their way forward and upward in the industry.

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

The We-Discover Mentorship Program

The We-Discover program is Wentors’ largest mentorship program launched annually to mark International Women’s Day and to contribute our quota to the change that will inevitably happen in the world. The build-up to this program annually starts from January through Black History Month; February and into March, the month for International Women’s Day.

The program is proof of our commitment to building a community that nurtures women in technology.

Who’s it for?

The We-Discover mentorship program is for women across every continent in the world. The pilot edition recorded 2300+ women in technology across 4 continents of the world. The program is designed for women in technology who:

  • have 0–2 years of experience in the industry
  • are transitioning into the technology industry
  • are recent graduates or in their final year in college or university.

Basically, if you’re enthusiastic about joining the technology industry or you’re just stepping in, and you need help in taking the next step, then this is for you!

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

What are its peculiarities?

The We-Discover mentorship program is different from other mentorship programs that exist in the world.

We are bold about that statement.

The program doesn’t focus on equipping women with technical skills. We have a plethora of organizations that focus on that and we are grateful for their commitment to equipping women with skills that enable them to enter and scale in the technology industry.

We exist because they are doing amazing at what they do; equip women with technical skills relevant in the industry.

The We-Discover program goes beyond equipping women with technical skills. It focuses on providing the knowledge and care women need to navigate their careers as women in technology. Our program basically provides women with a relationship that holds their hands (read as nurture them) through their walk in the industry.

We believe the people in the best position to nurture women, understand their pain points and proffer relevant advice are their fellow women in technology who have gone ahead.

Hence, the program is a woman-to-woman mentorship program. Other key features of the program include:

  • a 6–8 week curriculum based wentor-wentee relationship
  • a minimum of an hour conversation with your wentor/wentee
  • soft skill training sessions from top industry experts
  • an opportunity to foster a lifelong relationship with a fellow woman in technology.
  • cross-cultural networking opportunities, etc.

Think of the possibilities when you belong to a community of women in technology across several regions in the world. Currently represented in 4 continents of the world and rapidly expanding.

Anything is possible in a vibrant community of women in technology. This is what being a part of the mentorship program and subsequently, the Wentors’ community avails you.

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

How can you be a part of the program?

You can join the program as either a wentor (mentor) or wentee (mentee).

You qualify as a wentee if you fit the profile description in the “who’s it for?” section. 😁

So who’s a wentor?

A wentor is that woman in technology who is passionate about seeing more women in technology and is willing to offer at least an hour of her time over 6–8 weeks to nurture a fellow woman in technology. Other peculiar things about a wentor are:

  • she has 5+ years of experience in the technology industry
  • able to offer at least 1-hour of her time over the run time of the program
  • passionate about women in technology
  • willing to give back, scratch that, pay it forward.

Our highest badge of honour (this is an actual virtual badge) is conferred on a wentor. They are our true heroes who wear a different type of cape — passion to see more women in the industry.

Why are we doing this?

It’s simple.

We want that little girl in a country in Africa, Europe, Asia, the Americas, etc. to look up and see someone that looks just like her in a top position in her favourite organization in the industry. By extension, she would go on to open more doors for women just like her.

This is our belief.

We are transforming lives. We are changing lives through our programs. We are making it possible for that little girl who is enthusiastic about tech to live her dream. We are making her possible.

Unoma Adeyemi, our co-founder had said in a meeting putting to words our drive for the 2022 We-Discover mentorship program.

Unoma Adeyemi, Co-founder, Wentors

What next?

Nothing much.

You can be part of the We-Discover mentorship program by registering on our platform; app.wentors.com as the portal comes live on February 1, 2022.

For subsequent mentorship programs, keep an eye on our social media as announcements would be made before each cohort.

In 2021, we impacted a total number of 2300+ women in technology.

Our goal for 2022 is 5000+ women in technology.

We are committed to increasing this number each year till we meet and surpass our bold ambition to impact 8,000,000+ women in technology by 2030. (I intentionally put the comma, so you’d read it well).


If you’ve come this far, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be part of our story. Let someone know about Wentors and the opportunity to shape the future of a woman in technology just like you. 😊

PS: You don’t have to be a woman to be part of this story. Ask me, how?




Committed to telling the story of Women in Technology everywhere.